Community Action Plans
The Community Action Plan is the way that we ensure that all of the wonderful, creative ideas and passion of our youth are converted into inspired action. As part of any SERES program, we work with participants to bring together their concerns, visions and change-ideas into a plan for action that they with their peers will turn into real changes.
Participants learn to work through an asset-based community driven development framework, focusing on the resources, human capital and local knowledge that they can draw-on from their own community in order to complete their project. These action plans include projects such as clean-up campaigns, reforestation, biodiversity conservation, environmental education, community gardens for food security, sustainable building, youth environment committees and recycling projects.
We know that in this way, through local actions, we can achieve global impact.
Click on any of the pictures below to read more about these inspirational young leaders and change-makers and what they are doing to bring about sustainable change in their communities.
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