Liderando con Impacto

In 2017, SERES piloted a new diploma called Leading with Impact in collaboration with euforia, an entrepreneurial youth training organization based in Switzerland. The purpose of the pilot was to target a different socio-economic group then SERES normally works with, to test the market and determine if there was a demand for this type of training program.

The program was targeted at young professionals, 25-35 years of age working on initiatives or in organizations with a positive impact on society, providing them with new skills and tools to take their impact to the next level.

The pilot program was run with 12 entrepreneurs and change agents from both non-profit and for profit organizations including Heifer International, Mil Milagros, Child Aid, Saqirsan Foundation, Starfish, Pomona Impact, Club Utopia Technology, and Alterna.

Based on the comments and feedback of the participants, we could see that the program was an outstanding success. 100% of the participants reported that they considered the program so valuable that they would recommend it to their colleagues. They also provided other feedback such as:

"I developed acceptance and tolerance skills towards myself that in turn will affect my relationship with others. I also learnt new tools to encourage and generate empathy...which will be essential to apply in the next steps in my work. ""I think the (tools) will help me to see my decisions with the team from a more systemic approach. I also know that now I can transmit confidence with my team and feel supported by them and help them feel supported by me.”

"The leadership approaches that they (SERES) proposed are...fundamental to replicate "

Given the success of the program, we are now running our 2nd Diploma, this time in El Salvador.The training will take place in Hotel Las Palmas, Chalatenango from February 9 to 14, 2019. Applications close on January 4th, 2019.

For more information, contact


Building the Citizen Muscle


I am the Hope for Change...