Young Leaders of Cantel/Local Impact and Changes


By Abigail Quic The critical analysis made by the young leaders astonishes me. I see that on the list of their greatest concerns is: water shortage; deforestation and loss of biodiversity; and climate change. I’m bowled over by the fact that they have reached the same conclusions as the scientists and investigators of the subject here in Guatemala and abroad; they also agree with their plans of action and set an example to follow…  "The only thing I ask from them is break dancing classes … (laughter)” Richard Brown (Publisher of Entremundo magazine) A few weeks ago we facilitated a Youth Leaders for the Pachama Congress in Pachaj,  Cantel — the first SERES Leadership and Sustainability Series. We were welcomed by an incandescent dusk, glistening with colours, as we strolled through the community chatting with the youth — an excellent omen for next three days. The Congress was carried out in collaboration with: The Chico Méndez Reforestation Project, The Youth Rescue Network Forging Foundations, ADEJUC and The Municipal Youth Council. The meeting was broadcasted by Radio Misión and published in Entremundos Magazine. During the second day of the congress, we were invited by the local radio station — Radio Misión — to share our experience as organizers of this transformative leadership and sustainability process with Cantel’s youth. It was my first experience speaking on local radio and it was incredible! I was nervous and excited. Recounting the young people’s stories made a strong impact on me; recalling the moment when I met them and how I reencountered them two years later, empowered and proactive; the way in which they are evolving and re-thinking the development paradigm within their community! I realized the importance of communicating the work undertaken by the young leaders to transform their communities At that moment, I was addressing more than one thousand people amongst that community, and I understood the significance of telling our stories to inspire them to care for and love this place. The afternoon of the third day: from the morning the young people were setting up to present their plans of action to the community leaders. This was an opportunity for them to discover their own voice and be heard: they were anxious, nervous and enthusiastic. Thanks to the interview on the radio, an influential group of local leaders showed up along with the community radio presenter to broadcast the conference live. The action plans proposed were: familygardens; reforestation; and drains for gray water. In that moment, the leaders demonstrated the importance of taking concrete actions to conserve these valuable livelihoods and some even showed interest in contributing equipment, contacts and space to carry out activities. “I am impressed by the work that they accomplish, a great lesson, I feel challenged to provide comprehensive programmes for the youth within our community and country” David Chojolan - candidate for town Mayor. As coordinator facilitator of these processes, I consider myself extremely lucky to bear witness to the changes, on a personal level, within the community leaders. Each one with their own individual passions and activities but connected by a shared holistic vision. During these days, one aspect was apparent: the impact and fluidity with which relationships can be built with local organizations and co-creation can take place. This conference was executed under Esteban’s extraordinary coordination and I felt inspired collaborating with Susi and Micaela, women for change.        


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